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Dr. Kevin Sheck, Dr. Harris, and Gregory Sheck have travelled through time and space to visit Lord Balron to beg for the lives of the people of Earth. Balron argues that he will destroy Earth because of the threat that it poses to his own people. The time travelers cite Earth’s past protectors The Force and the current Freebooters as potential protectors of the world who will stop the threats before they can harm others. Lord Balron grants their request, and agrees to spare the human world, for the time being.

Creative Team

Writer: Kevin Kluck
Artist: Mohamed Lubisan
Colors: Lexia Velez.
Letterer: Jay LaValley & Alek Stevanov

Social Media & Press Kit



Ashley Johnson
Ashley Johnson is young, rebellious, and stubborn. Ashley has a brilliant mind trapped with a crummy attitude. She's a wizard with machinery and electronics, but not so good when it comes to people. She followed in her father's footsteps and moved around from various military schools, if for no other reason to avoid her situation at home. Her attitude and the military didn't co-exist too well, and she often found herself in trouble. Looking at 10 years of hard labor and a dishonorable discharge, Dunkirk used his status to place her in his service (she's his step-daughter and it's nothing that she likes to acknowledge).

Garrett Walters
Garrett Walters is a younger kind of guy. He's somewhat self-absorbed and abrasive, but he manages to get the job done He is "ends justify the means" type.

Sonia Darkblader
Sonia Darkblade was formerly in Dunkirk's squadron, but she was forced to transfer after it was discovered she was having an affair with Dunkirk (thus, she missed the Battle of the Four Moons). Dunkirk's now married, but Sonia decided she had to return to his services when she learned he was going into business for himself. Her motives, real or imagined, remain hidden, but she's trusted enough to be Dunkirk's "second in command".

Vorigoth owes a "life debt" to Dunkirk since Dunkirk saved his life. This is something that tends to annoy Dunkirk since he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself. Vorigoth has a firm loyalty to Dunkirk, but his friendship with Ashley (and his loyalty to her) often causes him to be at odds with the "right thing to do." He's a Dananite, a reclusive race of silicon-based being from the Danan System

Dunkirk is a military hero whose life changed drastically at the Battle of the Four Moons, one of the final and bloodiest battles of the recent wars. The results of the battle left him in a "debt of honor" with Ashley's real father, and also gave him his cynicism towards the military machine when he discovered the battle was merely a "decoy" for a Special Ops Mission.

Lord Zolopodous Balron


Dr. Kevin Sheck, Dr. Harris, and Gregory Sheck have travelled through time and space to visit Lord Balron (soon to be known by humans as “The Destroyer”) to beg for the lives of the people of Earth. Balron argues that he will destroy Earth because of the threat that it poses to his own people. The time travelers cite Earth’s past protectors The Force and the current Freebooters as potential protectors of the world who will stop the threats before they can harm others. Lord Balron grants their request, and agrees to spare the human world, for the time being.

In the year of 2459, Major Sonia Darkblade, Sergeant Ashley Morton, Sergeant Vorigoth, and Captain Garrett Walters capture and secure a rogue cargo skiff under the UNPF Anti-Sedition Act. The takedown is simple and fast, and the successful officers are uneasy about the lack of resistance they have encountered so far.

In the Io Research Station in the Jupiter Orbit, a woman named Sierra is sitting in a padded cell working on a piece of machinery and talking to herself about death. John D. Marsden, the crazed man in the neighboring cell begins shouting about people that the guards can’t see or hear. Sierra works on her machinery.

The lights go out, and the machine has turned on. A Creature from the 5th Dimension has crossed over and appears in Marsden’s cell. When a guard comes to check on Marsden, he’s killed.

In the UNPF Headquarters on Earth, General Turgeon and Colonel Dunkirk talk about the growing tensions between international governments and how best to handle them. Turgeon urges Dunkirk to return to active service to improve morale. Dunkirk does not approve of the proposal, but before he leaves, General Turgeon tells him about a large energy emission burst that happened recently at the Io Research Station, asking Dunkirk to take his team to investigate the station. Before Dunkirk leaves, Turgeon reluctantly warns him about the fact that the energy burst was cited as extra-dimensional.

Thus, the Freebooters are called back from their respective lives to check out what’s going on in the Io Research Station. As the Freebooters approach the station, they realize that only three strong life signals are being transmitted from the station. Suddenly, a mobile energy source shows up on the radar, just to disappear moments later. The Freebooters arm themselves and head into the station.

The station seems deserted, however there are signs that there had been a firefight. At the command center, the Freebooters find a huge glass case has been broken from the inside out and the bodies of many dead scientists and guards.

Still in their cells, Sierra and Marsden debate about why they have survived the incident. Marsden shakes out of his strait jacket and reveals that the beings that he has seen have told him that a rescue team is already approaching.

Back in the command center, Seargeant Vorigoth tells his team about a predator creature called the Vymax which would attack villages like his own out of fear. The team disperses through the ship to see what else they can find.

Back on earth, General Turgeon questions the captain of the pirate ship that the Freebooters had caught. It is revealed that the Captain had been working and transferring the goods for the General. The General is not happy that they had been caught. He leaves the Captain choking on poison.

In the command center, Sargeant Vorigoth and Sargeant Ashley are attacked by the creature and jump down an incineration chute to escape. In the trash within the chute, Vorigoth and Ash find the remains of a destroyed Ultimo.

Sierra is approached in her cell by a man named Melchizidek who has come from the future to take her back to her time. She laments the loss of Ultimo, and urges Marsden to come along with her, but after his refusal, she steps through the portal and leaves.

While Vorigoth and Ashley are finding their way out of the incineration chute, Dunkirk, Sonia, and Walters are attacked by the creature, who resists ballistic, telekinetic, and plasma weaponry. Dunkirk is burned badly, and Sonia steps up to the plate to battle the creature.

Vorigoth and Ashley escape the chute, and realize that the spacecraft is going to break from its orbit soon, leaving the team about fifteen minutes to get off the ship before Io’s gravity tears it apart. Dunkirk, Sonia, and Walters escape from confrontation with the beast and regain communication channels with Vorigoth and Ashley. Ashley releases Marsden, the only remaining patient, from his cell. The team scrambles to get off the ship, when the creature appears once more.

Vorigoth, with instructions from Sonia, has set his weapon to negative polarity and kills the creature, allowing the team to escape.

The Creative Team

Kevin Kluck

Mohamed Lubisan

Lexia Velez

Jay LaValley

Alek Stevanov