In the latter part of the 24th Century the world is even more splintered and chaotic than ever. It is a world in the aftermath of several major World Wars as well as several hundred years of extreme exploitation of the planet's natural resources. Much of the world is so inhospitable that most lifespans run their course within just a few generations.
Only the extreme rich have the luxury of extending their lifespans by whatever means that they can. It is a world which constantly seems to stumble ever closer to the complete and total annihilation of the entire human race.
Knowing just how desperate things are becoming on the world stage, the long-live Corso decides to assemble a team of heroes, combining their resources and abilities to combat those who threaten humanity, but for whatever reason are beyond the reach of the law or any semblance of justice.
Corso himself is the man in the shadows, the man who has been down this road before. He's a man with many secrets and strategies within strategies. His unnatural extended lifespan has given him the ability to see everything in the long-term. An ability he has used over that last quarter of his lifespan to not only become a man of wealth and means, but also to cultivate a large number of connection all over the world that are all somehow or someway owe a debt to him. Now with a group of five heroes in their own right, he seeks to once again save the world from itself.